Why Fall is The Best Time of Year For Writers — And a Challenge
Fall has so much to offer writers. The leaves change to beautiful and inspiring colors. The sun sets earlier, making for a nice dinner backdrop. And our New Year's writing resolutions, that we've ignored since mid-January, have one more chance to blossom before the end of the year.
It's time to get motivated and I'm going to help.
Here is the assignment: Post your 2011 New Year's Resolutions in the comments below, with a note next to any you've completed. Next to anyone you haven't, place a deadline. Put it in writing, here on the Internet, to help hold yourself accountable. I'll drop occasional notes on this blog, on Facebook, on Twitter, to check in on your progress.
Keep in mind, NaNoWriMo is only a little over a month away, so maybe that can be an added resolution (or an excuse to write your novel). Either way, this is the time to buckle down and make your writing dream a reality. Plus, won't it feel great when the holidays hit this year and your Uncle Herbert, who's sporting a thick eggnog mustache, asks you, "How's that silly writing thing going?" and you can reply, "Finished my novel and ready to find an agent."
Take that Uncle Herbert.
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