Back and Even Better
Hello, friends. First of all, I'd like to offer a quick apology for the lack of communication via the blog lately. You see, we at WD have been doing some thinking and talking and general housekeeping regarding just how we can bring you the best blog possible, and these things take time, manpower and cinnamon raisin bagels. But now we're back and I'm pleased to announce that the blog is going to become a new, exciting and potentially uber-hip place to be. As the hep cats say, it'll be off the chain.
Two Sweet New Additions:
1. Consistency. A Brand Spanking New Blog Entry will be up every monday. Some weeks there will be more than one entry, but--at the very least-- you'll be able to set your Brookstone Digital SmartSet Clock Radio to the fact that Monday will offer something new. And there will be no more wondering if Kevin sold his computer and rights to access the Internet 2.0 for a guided tour of Elizabeth Hasselbeck's dressing room.
2. New Stuff. Aside from following the trials, tribulations, and treachery of my writing life, there will be more recurring entries in the vein of the Life Changingly Awesome Queries including, but not limited to: Reviews of Books I was Forced To Read in High School, Incredibly Awkward Author Pics, and Extremely Brief But Scarily Accurate Writing Quizzes, all designed to help me help you help yourself be the best damn writer, like, EVER.
So there, friends. And this is all happening, starting now. So feel free to take full advantage of the new edition of the this Writer's Life blog as you see fit.
Once again, I look forward to our many future interactions. Our love knows no (technological) bounds.