New Agent Alert: Lora Rivera of the Claire Gerus Literary Agency
Update: Lora is no longer agenting as
of Spring 2011. Do not query her.----------------
About Lora: Lora Rivera began her publishing career at the Claire Gerus Literary Agency in 2008. With an MFA in creative writing from the University of Arizona, she takes an editorial approach to new projects. She is now actively building her own client list. She currently lives in Tucson where she teaches English composition, writes literary and YA fiction, and composes biographies for foster children through Aviva’s Life Book program. More information can be found at
She is seeking: fiction (all genres), including mystery/suspense, thriller, women's, paranormal, sci/fi and fantasy. She's especially interested in reading guy-focused YA, fresh middle grade, and solid (not ironic) adult literary fiction. She likes fiction that subtly tackles important real-world subjects.
How to contact: Send fiction queries to Please no sample pages unless requested. Subject line should read "Query" followed by the book's title.