WordWise Media Services Seeks a New Literary Agent on Staff
In the past, I've personally had the opportunity to meet a nice agent based on the west coast named Steven Hutson of WordWise Media Services. You can see his agency website here. Recently, Steven came to me and asked me to put out an alert for him because he wants to make his agency bigger. Here is his exact announcement about how WordWise is seeking a new agent:
"West Coast literary agency seeks an associate agent in New York or Nashville. Or in the alternative, a specialist to handle mystery, children, romance, etc. This is a perfect opportunity for a well-connected retired (or downsized) editor, or agency administrator. We bring you leads and send you to writers' conferences. Work from home, part-time OK, but bring home the bacon for us. Send resume, plus at least two industry references, to avwriters@yahoo.com."
Good luck to anyone who applies.