New Literary Agent: Ethan Vaughan of Kimberley Cameron & Associates
Dec 2013 Update: I've been told that Ethan is leaving the
agency. Do not query him.
About Ethan: Ethan has worked in journalism since 2007, but his first introduction to publishing came with a 2011 summer internship at Folio Literary Management in New York, where he worked under the redoubtable Jeff Kleinman and got a crash course in agenting. Ethan graduated from George Mason University with a degree in government and international politics in December 2011 and began interning with Kimberley Cameron & Associates the same month.
He is seeking: "Fantasy/sci-fi (particularly of the young adult variety) has long been my default, but I also appreciate and am actively looking for women’s fiction, literary fiction, historical fiction, and historical nonfiction. While I love escaping into an incredible new world, I’m a big sucker for really well-done literary fiction (something like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which sheds light on who we are as humans).
"As regards my first love, fantasy, I am very selective. I strongly prefer fantasy that is somehow grounded in the real world, be that through the integration of mythology (as in the Percy Jackson series) or through a fantasy universe being hidden inside our own (as in the Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia series).
"A fantasy that takes place in a standalone or alternate world has to be exceptionally well executed to work for me."
How to Contact: [Ethan has left the agency as of Dec. 2013. Do not query him.]