Poetry Submissions: October Style
So in the past week, I've made several poetry submissions to:
- Virginia Quarterly Review(they've got to have the coolest online submission form on the planet)
- Michigan Quarterly Review
- Chattahoochee Review
- The Cincinnati Review (this submission makes me a bit nervous, because the poetry editor is a former undergrad professor of mine--I can already see the rejection note saying, "Your skills have actually diminished since college, and they weren't good then."--yes, maybe that was a foolish decision)
I've also submitted a chapbook manuscript to the Wick Open Poetry Competition for Ohio poets.
While part of me wants complete acceptance from all of the above, I'd really be happy with an acceptance from at least one.
Actually, a nice rejection note from any of the above would go a long way toward making me feel good.
Or even a coffee stain on one of the form rejection letters. (It doesn't take much.)