2023 Get Started Right Writing Challenge: Day 7
Here we are! Welcome to the seventh day of the seven-day Get Started Right Writing Challenge! As a house-keeping note, I will share a "Next Steps" post tomorrow, though probably in the afternoon (my time) instead of the early morning.
For the final day, spend 30 minutes on your writing goals, either writing, revising, crafting a query letter, reading articles on writing, or whatever activity you can consider; then, share your activities in the comments below. You're free to decide how, but devote 30 minutes of your time today on a writing-related activity.
As usual, here a few prompts you can peruse for ideas:
- 100 Creative Writing Prompts.
- 25 Plot Twist Ideas.
- 30 Poetry Prompts.
- 6 Types of Creative Nonfiction Essays to Try.
But here are some other posts related to revision and query writing as well:
- 7 Self-Editing Processes for Writers, by Kris Spisak.
- 6 Story Polishing Tips From a Writing Contest Judge, by Audrey Wick.
- The 10 Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Query Letter, by Brian A. Klems.
- Taming the Synopsis, by Ammi-Joan Paquette.
- 5 Ways to Revise Poems, by Robert Lee Brewer.
So set your timers for 30 minutes and have at it! And again, I'll be back with "Next Steps" tomorrow.
Note on commenting: If you wish to comment on the site, go to Disqus to create a free new account, verify your account on this site below (one-time thing), and then comment away. It's free, easy, and the comments (for the most part) don't require manual approval like on the old site. That said, I will be checking a couple times per day to approve the few that do get caught in the spam filters for whatever reason.
And for my 30-minute session:
I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for participating in this challenge. It's been a blast to read the different stories, poems, goals, reasons for writing, thoughts on social media, lessons learned in reading writing-related articles.
Personally, I've come up with a couple short pieces that may or may not go anywhere, but they were definitely fun to write, and it's been a while since I've forced myself to sit down and craft some fiction. So for that alone, I feel like this week has been a huge success for me.
Likewise, I hope this has helped jumpstart your writing and thinking about writing as we head into this new year. One of my goals this year is to offer at least a 5-day challenge each month in 2023.
Next up is the 3rd annual February Flash Fiction Challenge, hosted by Moriah Richard. It's a fun, free, and month-long challenge to write a new piece of flash fiction each day of February. I participated every day last year and hope to do so again this year. Here are the guidelines for that challenge.
April and November will have month-long poetry challenges again (for their 16th editions), but I plan to have some shorter challenges like the Get Started Right Writing Challenge in March, May, and other months. Maybe something focused on character development, world-building, and/or plotting.
In fact, let me know in the comments below if there are any specific challenges you'd like to try this year. I think they're fun and a great way to learn with other writers.
Happy writing! (Or revising...or pitching...or reading...or however you decide to spend your 30 minutes!)